Heracles Family Tree

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                                  Zeus = Io
                          Poseidon = Lybia
            |              |                        |
         Aegyptus        Danaus                  Cepheus I
            |              |                        |
          Lynceus  =  Hypermnestra                  |
                   |                                |
                 Abas                               |
                   |                                |
              Acrisius                           Cepheus II = Cassiopea
                   |                                        |         
                Danae = Zeus         ------------------------
                      |              |
                    Perseus  =  Andromeda
                       |                |
                   Electryon         Alcaeus
                           |            |
              Zeus  =  Alcmene  =  Amphitryon
                    |           |
                 Heracles    Iphicles

From Edith Hamiltion's Mythology

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